Friday, 25 April 2008

Back on the go!

Well, that's all the exams over and I can relax a bit again. The site is starting to attract more hits than I had expected this far!
I have been busy today doing some more of my other web site project. I am still not ready to release the name of it but it should be live in the not too distant future. I am very excited about it as it takes a different look at the world than Wrestling Booker.
The fifth article in my series is taking a bit longer to complete than the others since I am having to do a lot more research in areas that are harder to find than the first ones required. I guess this means it will be even more important when it is finished but it is challenging to get the information collected and verified.
I hope to contribute more soon to the site than I have in the last week or so and hopefully more of you will find the time to let me know what you think of it.

Tuesday, 22 April 2008


I won't be doing much to the website or probably this blog for a few days as I have some very important exams this week.

Saturday, 19 April 2008

Post lockdown

Well we eventually got to see TNA lockdown in Britain on Wednesday and I was quite pleased with it. It wasn't as amazing as I had heard but still very good. Nice to see Joe as champion - he deserves it.

I read a good piece in the Sun today by Paul Heyman which was less than complimentary about the new ECW announcer! Click here to see a summary of it.

I have been developing a new project that I am keeping under wraps for now but I think it will be awesome!

Wrestling Booker

Wednesday, 16 April 2008

TNA Article

I have been very busy recently with family things but I have managed to get the next article on the TNA claim to World Championship status.
The site is staring to get a few more hits now that google has indexed it and I think it will continue to grow. I am not going in for any deceitful or unscrupulous ways of promoting but instead just letting people know about it and hoping that the quality and usefulness of the site will become apparent to people and they will then frequent it more and more and tell their friends about it. I think this fits well with the ethos of honesty and trustworthyness that I am trying to build into the site from the very beginning.

TNA Lockdown is being shown in UK tonight so I am looking forward to that!

A few people have gone to the trouble of contacting me to comment on how much they like the site. I am very pleased about this and grateful to them for their comments. So far, I have had a 100% positive response but if anyone has any comments or suggestions either positive or negative then don't be afraid to let me know because I will value your comments either way.

Wrestling Booker

Saturday, 12 April 2008

A few days rest

The last few days have seen the publication of the 3rd part of the series of articles on world titles. I have also been pleased to see that the site is now indexed by google so hopefully things will start rolling now. There is now a contribution to the wikipedia artcle on wrestling slang that I have added from the glossary of pro wrestling terms on my pro wrestling dream cards website at

I have been working long hours this week though so I haven't had time to put much new up on the site this week but I hope to add some more this weekend if I don't have to work too much so remember to check out the site sometime.

Ps . If any one out there is interested in this sort of site I would be very grateful if you let your friends know about it and joint the new forum. Its free and there's no obligation to post or do anything so why not register now when you can get any name you want on a wrestling forum.

pps. If you run a website or blog yourself, please feel free to let other folks know about my new site by linking to it.

Goodbye for now.

Tuesday, 8 April 2008

Part 2 of championship article

Today I put the finishing touches to the second part of my ten part article on the debate over what wrestling belts can legitimately claim world status and how they trace their heritage to the Undisputed belts held by Lou Thesz and Georg Hackenschmidt. If you want to read part 2 - The NWA's claim then click here to read it on my website. I've been working on other things today so I haven't done a lot else for the site today.

Sunday, 6 April 2008

World Title Claims and site update

Today I have been working some more on the website and the glossary is up and running. I have had to become more realistic about the encyclopedia section of the website. I still plan to build one but it is going to be an ongoing project rather than a launch feature of the site. My article on the claims of the various world heavyweight championships is to be a ten part series ( I didn't plan a round number like that - it just seems to work out that way!) I have published the first part which is the introduction and framework for my article, you can read the first section here on my website.

I got a fair amount done on the site today since it was blowing a blizzard here in Scotland today so it wasn't really an outdoor day!

Let me know what you think.

Wrestling Booker

Niche Blog Directory

Blog Directory

Saturday, 5 April 2008

Glossary almost ready and status

This is my first ever blog.
I have uploaded the website today and it should be functioning fine albeit with very few cards on it. I'm hoping to add more soon. Over the last couple of days, I have been pretty busy writing the glossary. The hope here is to establish a very comprehensive and trustworthy reference for anyone checking what a certain wrestling term means. I have uploaded it now with all the alphabet gone through but I am still not quite happy about some of the definitions and I'm sure I will think of a few more things to go on it over the next few days.

The intention behind the website is not commercial at all. It is going to be heavily reliant on other people sharing their ideas, wrestling fantasies (ie matches etc) and also contributing their knowledge to the glossary and upcoming encyclopedia.

I am aware that an encyclopedia is a very ambitious undertaking but I'm not regretting it yet! The plan is to make it a trustworthy reference - I plan to achieve this by controlling who can edit it very tightly because, unlike the dream cards which benefit from originality and individuality, it requires objectivity and has no place in it for individual opinion, for this reason, I will only allow only a very few people to alter it (currently only I can edit it which is making it very slow-going!).

There are forums that I set up only yesterday so they are not exactly buzzing yet but I hope they will become reasonably popular. In fact, I already have another administrator/moderator for them by the alias of Peppy Hare. So if you head over there now you will get the chance to register yourself with pretty much whatever name you want on what I will put great effort into it becoming an excellent forum on a very friendly and honest site.

It would be nice if someone reads this post now that I have typed it out! So if you have and you got this far, a message to say you've seen it would be great!

Happy Surfing

Wrestling Booker